Volume 78 Issue 1-2 / 2007
Възможности за ограничаване на негативното въздействие на устойчивите органични замърсители върху околната среда и здравето на хората. І. Методи за разграждане на устойчиви органични замърсители
Possibilities of reducing the negative effect of persistent organic pollutants on environment and human health. I. Methods for persistent organic pollutant destruction
Автор(и): Л. Петров, Ч. Бонев, С. Раковски, Г. Кадинов, Ч. Владов
Author(s): L. Petrov, Ch. Bonev, S. Rakovsky, G. Kadinov, Ch. Vladov
Abstract: A brief literature survey is given of various treatment methods of destruction of chloro organic compounds. These mainly include persistent organic pollutants as outlined by the Stockholm Convention (2001): aldrin, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, dioxins, endrin, furans, hexachlorobenzene, heptachlor, mirex, polychlorinated
biphenyls, and toxaphene). Scientific and patent literature shows that hazardous chemicals and pesticides are successfully eliminated by various chemical, physical, and biological methods. Chemical methods include incineration, destruction through chemical reaction, catalytic oxidation and reduction, hydrolysis, etc. Among the physical methods one should outline adsorption techniques, flocculation, mechanical destruction, absorptive destruction, electric destruction, safe disposal. Biological methods involve enzymatic degradation and microbial destruction. Special treatment technologies including catalytic methods are also concerned.
Keywords: Persistent organic pollutants; Chloro organic compounds; Pesticides; Polychlorinated biphenyls; Dioxins; Furans; Destruction methods.
Pages: 1 - 17 (17 pages)
Eлектронен магнитен резонанс (ЕПР и ЕНДОР) в България. Минало, настояще и бъдеще
Автор(и): Н. Д. Йорданов
Pages: 18 - 25 (8 pages)
Pages: 26 - 37 (12 pages)
Pages: 38 - 38 (1 pages)
In memoriam
Pages: 39 - 40 (2 pages)