Volume 78 Issue 3-4 / 2007
Възможности за ограничаване на негативното въздействие на устойчивите органични замърсители върху околната среда и здравето на хората. ІІ. Методи за обезвреждане на пестициди
Possibilities of reducing the negative effect of persistent organic pollutants on environment and human health. II. Methods of pesticide destruction and elimination
Abstract: A brief literature survey is given of various treatment methods of destruction and elimination of pesticide compounds. These mainly include persistent organic pollutants as outlined by the Stockholm Convention (2001): aldrin, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, hexachlorobenzene, heptachlor, mirex, and toxaphene. Scientific and patent literature shows that hazardous chemicals and pesticides are successfully eliminated by various chemical, physical, and biological methods. Principal methods of pesticide destruction and elimination involve incineration, chemical treatment of toxic compounds, and combined methods. Special treatment technologies including catalytic methods are also of interest. Incineration has occupied the most important place in practice as a method of destruction. Modern tools for treating sites contaminated by pesticides include low temperature desorption, incineration, chemical methods, photocatalytic methods, bioremediation, phytostabilization, phytoremediation, and combined techniques. Treatment of individual pestcides is also concerned.
Pages: 41 - 52 (12 pages)
Световната химическа наука в цифри
Pages: 53 - 55 (3 pages)
Българи, обучавани в Технологическия институт в Санкт Петербург
Pages: 56 - 57 (2 pages)
Pages: 58 - 65 (8 pages)
Pages: 66 - 72 (7 pages)
Нови книги
Pages: 73 - 75 (3 pages)
In memoriam
Pages: 76 - 76 (1 pages)