Volume 83 Issue 3-4 / 2012
Олово, хром и манган − токсикологичен профил, биологичен контрол и аналитично определяне
Lead, chromium and manganese − toxicological profile, biological control, and analytical determination
Abstract: Lead and manganese are among common environmental pollutants, while chromium is considered mainly with a view to occupational exposure in Bulgaria. Determinations of lead in blood and Pb in deciduous teeth for children are recommended biomarkers for lead. Chromium in urine and packed blood cells are applied as biomarkers for chromium exposure. Concentrations of Pb, Cr and Mn in toenails are useful for longitudinal biological control of occupationally exposed workers and general population at risk. Several analytical methods (AAS, ICPMS è ICP-OES) are considered and among them the electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry is favoured in routine practice applications.
Pages: 41 - 51 (11 pages)
Поздравления за новоизбраните академик и член-кореспонденти на БАН в областта на химическите науки и свързаните с тях научни области
Congratulations to newly elected full member and corresponding members of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in the field of chemistry and related scientific fields
Abstract: Biographic data and scientific contributions of newly elected (2012) one full member (academician) and four corresponding members (CM) of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) are presented: (i) in the field of physical sciences: academician Peter Kralchevsky, Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Chair of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia; (ii) in the field of chemical Sciences: CM BAS Tony Spassov, DSc, Professor of Solid State Chemistry, Head of the Chair of Applied Inorganic Chemistry and Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia; (iii) in the field of chemical sciences: CM BAS Professor Konsantin I. Hadjiivanov, DSc, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; (iv) in the field of biological sciences: CM BAS Zdravko Lalchev, DSc, Professor of Biophysics at the Faculty of Biology, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia; (v) in the field of mathematical sciences: CM BAS Krassimir Danov, DSc, Professor of Mathematics at the Chair of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia. Further information is available on respective sites: www.bas.bg, www.chem.uni-sofia.bg, www.igic.bas.bg, and www.biol.uni-sofia.bg.
Pages: 52 - 60 (9 pages)
Академик Евгени Будевски − роден за наука
Academician Evgeni Budevski − born for science
Abstract: A tribute is given to the 90th anniversary of the late academician Evgeni Budevski who is the founder and organizer of the Bulgarian electrochemical science and the Central Laboratory of Electrochemical Power Sources at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Pages: 61 - 62 (2 pages)
Pages: 63 - 64 (2 pages)
Pages: 65 - 70 (6 pages)
Нови книги
Pages: 71 - 75 (5 pages)
In memoriam
Pages: 76 - 79 (4 pages)