Volume 76 Issue 3-4 / 2005
Нанотехнологии – настояще и перспективи
Nanotechnologies – presence and future
Abstract: A brief description is given of the development and applications of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials in some key industries, such as electronics, microelectronics, communications, nanodevices, sensors, aviation and space industries; chemical industry and power industry (nanocatalysts, and nanocatalysis, hydrogen storage and fuel cells, artificial photosynthesis, energy efficiency, energy storage); fabrication of consolidated nanostructures (ceramic nanomaterials, nanostructure coatings, production of low-combustibility plastics, nanostructured hard materials, nanostructures with colossal magnetic resistance); fabrication of ultrahigh strength carbon fibres; nanotechnologies for environmental protection (adsorption of heavy metals by self-ordered and selforganised nanostructure ensembles, photocatalytic purification of liquids, fabrication of mesoporous materials, application of nanoporous polymers for water purification, nanoparticles and environment); medical applications; military applications and fight against terrorism; household applications, etc.
Pages: 41 - 70 (30 pages)
Интернет източници на информация за контрол на качеството при химичните измервания
Internet resources of information on quality control in chemical measurements
Резюме: Useful internet sites are presented and tabulated as sources of information and educational materials on quality control, data bases of certified reference materials and QC materials, proficiency testing schemes, international comparisons, metrological organizations, relevant journals and literature, examples of validation and uncertainty budgeting and other metrological and organizational aspects of quality control in analytical laboratories. Emphasis is given on the capabilities of the Virtual Institute of Reference Materials (VIRM), which offers on its website a broad range of useful tools and links in the field of reference materials and quality control.
Pages: 71 - 77 (7 pages)
Историческият спор Д. Баларев – Г. Таман
Pages: 78 - 82 (5 pages)
Новини, юбилеи, нови книги
Pages: 83 - 96 (14 pages)