Volume 76 Issue 1-2 / 2005
Получаване на водород чрез фотоелектрохимично и фотокаталитично разлагане на вода
Production of hydrogen by photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic decomposition of water
Автор(и): М. Д. Костадинов, Л. Петров
Author(s): M. D. Kostadinov, L. Petrov
Abstract: World’s economics nowadays is based on fossil fuels. However, they are an exhaustible power source, and are harmful for the environment. This is the reason why efforts are being made to change to economics based on environmental friendly and renewable fuels. Undoubtedly hydrogen is the most attractive alternative, because the final product of its use is water. The obstacles for hydrogen to become a large-scale power source are related to its production, which is still not economically advantageous. The most promising methods are those that use solar energy for the production of hydrogen by decomposition of water. In this
paper a review is made on some photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic methods of water destruction: photovoltaic systems, photoelectrochemical systems with semiconductor electrode, systems with sensitized semiconductors and systems with suspension of semiconductor particles. The characteristics of each method are outlined, different factors that exert influence on the process are considered. Some aspects, associated with the efficiency of water destruction, are considered as well as the ways of its determination. Although the present review does not claim to be comprehensive, it outlines the world tendencies in the scientific investigations in this particular area.
Keywords: Hydrogen production; Water decomposition; Photovoltaic systems; Sensitized semiconductors; Photocatalytic systems; Efficiency
Pages: 1 - 17 (17 pages)
Из историята на Съюза на химиците в България. Част 3
Автор(и): Н. Найденов
Pages: 18 - 31 (14 pages)
Новини, юбилеи, in memoriam
Pages: 32 - 40 (9 pages)