Volume 75 Issue 3-4 / 2004
Изотермна и неизотермна кинетика на твърдофазни реакции -­ математичен апарат и резултати
Isothermal and non-isothermal kinetics of solid state reactions. Mathematical apparatus and results
Abstract: The present review describes the mathematical appara­tus used for the study of solid phase reactions taking place under isothermal or non-isothermal heating. The algebraic forms of the equations model the specific mechanism of the rate-limiting stage of the process. Seven of the most often used calculation procedures are compared to each other. Based on own investigation of the thermal decomposition of different selenites, the va­lues of the activation energy and pre-exponential factor in Arrhenius equation as well as the change of entropy for the formation of the activated complex by the rea­gent were found. It is shown that, by selecting the cor­rect kinetic equations, there exists a kinetic compensa­tion effect between the pre-exponential factor and the activation energy.
Pages: 49 - 60 (12 pages)
Плазмени и електрохимични нанотехнологии
Plasma and electrochemical nanotechnologies
Abstract: This review presents own and literature considerations and investigations about plasma nanotechnologies in the field of plasmachemical synthesis of nanostructured materials (nanopowders): metals, metal oxides, nitrides, carbides, carbonitrides, pigments, catalysts, sorbents, etc. The application of plasmachemical nanostructured materials (powders, coatings, modified surfaces) and the advantages and disadvantages of the plasmachemical processes are discussed. The present survey of nanoelectrochemical treatment and modification of surfaces aimed at producing and investigating nanomaterials allows the determination of priority fields in fundamental and applied research as well as the production of materials of practical importance.
Pages: 61 - 71 (11 pages)
Пета национална конференция по химия. Дискусия „Метрология в химията“
Pages: 72 - 76 (5 pages)
Из историята на Съюза на химиците в България. Част 2
Pages: 77 - 80 (4 pages)
Новини Юбилеи Предстоящо Нови книги In memoriam
Pages: 81 - 104 (24 pages)