Volume 85 Issue 1-4 / 2014
90 години Катедра по аналитична химия. Катедра „Аналитична химия“ във Факултета по химия и фармация на Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски“ в периода 1982–1991 г.
90 years of Chair of Analytical Chemistry. Chair of Analytical Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy at St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia in the period 1982–1991
Abstract: On the 90th jubilee of the Chair of Analytical Chemistry (1924–2014) of the Faculty of Chemistry at St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, Bulgaria, a nine-year period (1982–1991) of its activities are described by Professor Stoyan Alexandrov, DSc, who was chair by that time. Staff members and their teaching and research endeavours are depicted. Selected titles of scientific papers, textbooks, and teaching aids as well as books and monographs published during indicated period are presented.
Pages: 1 - 10 (10 pages)
Осма национална конференция по химия „Химия за устойчиво развитие“
Pages: 11 - 12 (2 pages)
Наградите за наука „Питагор 2014“ в областта на химията
Pythagoras 2014 prizes for science in the field of chemistry
Abstract: Information on Pythagoras 2014 prizes for science for the period 2011−2013 in the field of chemistry bestowed by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science on 25th June 2014 in Sofia is presented. Brief biographical data and photos of three awardees are given. Professor Boris Simeonov Galabov, DSc, affiliated at Chair of Applied Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia received the Pythagoras 2014 Special Prize for his overall contribution to the field of chemical science (www.chem.uni-sofia.bg). Associate Professor Dr. Christian Alexandrov Alexandrov, Chair of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia was awarded the Pythagoras 2014 Great Prize for Young Scientist as a successful young researcher on theoretical modelling of catalyst structure and chemical reactions in heterogeneous catalysis (www.chem.uni-sofia.bg). Professor Krasimir Ivanov Ivanov, DSc, from Plovdiv Agricultural University was awarded as a successful research team manager of projects innovated in practice.
Pages: 13 - 17 (5 pages)
Проф. дн Христо Баларев на 80 години
Pages: 18 - 23 (6 pages)
Чл.-кор. проф. дн Димитър Любомиров Цалев е удостоен с почетното звание „доктор хонорис кауза“ на Пловдивския университет „Паисий Хилендарски“
Pages: 24 - 26 (3 pages)
Pages: 27 - 32 (6 pages)
Pages: 33 - 38 (6 pages)
Нови книги
Pages: 39 - 39 (1 pages)
In memoriam
Pages: 40 - 42 (3 pages)
Инструкция за авторите
Pages: 43 - 44 (2 pages)