Volume 84 Issue 1-4 / 2013
Асимптотични значения на функционални зависимости
Asymptotic values of functional relations
Abstract: This review debates the Padé method, which allows the determination of asymptotic values (n = ∞) for functional relations of physical quantities that characterise physical properties of chemical systems with parametric relations on integer parameter n (n = 3, 4, 5, ... ∞).
Pages: 1 - 2 (2 pages)
Награди за наука „Питагор 2013“ за шест български химици
Pythagoras 2013 science awards for six Bulgarian chemists
Abstract: Information on Pythagoras 2013 science awards in the fi eld of chemistry for the period 2010–2012 bestowed by the Bulgarian Ministry of education, youth, and science on 21st May 2013 in Sofi a is presented. Brief biographical data and an outline of scientifi c contributions during the period 2010–2012 are given. Six Bulgarian scientists in the field of chemistry were awarded in 2013: (i) the great prize for young scientist was shared by Dr. Nikolay Iliev Georgiev, University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofi a, and Dr. Petko Nedyalkov Denev, Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry, Plovdiv Branch; (ii) Professor Tony Spassov, DSc., corresponding member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Applied Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, as successful coordinator of international projects (www.chem.uni-sofi a.bg); (iii) Professor Georgi Vayssilov, DSc, Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, for contributions in the fi eld of natural sciences and mathematics; (iv) Associate Professor Dr. Pavlinka Dolashka, Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, for innovations in business; and (v) the special prize for overall contribution to the advancement of science to Professor Dechko Pavlov, DSc, full member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Pages: 3 - 6 (4 pages)
Големият български възрожденец и енциклопедист д-р Иван Богоров в издание на Лайпцигския университет
Pages: 7 - 8 (2 pages)
Химик по образование, стоковед по призвание (100 години от рождението на доц. Георги Кантурски)
Pages: 9 - 12 (4 pages)
Работна среща „Полимерни материали – изследване и иновации“
Pages: 13 - 14 (2 pages)
Pages: 15 - 25 (11 pages)
Pages: 26 - 38 (13 pages)
Нови книги
Pages: 39 - 40 (2 pages)
In memoriam
Pages: 41 - 42 (2 pages)
Инструкция за авторите
Pages: 43 - 44 (2 pages)